Why Join a Care Transformation Organization?
By Rachel Smith, HCDI Chief Program Officer

Rachel Smith, Chief Program Officer
A Care Transformation Organization (CTO) is a healthcare organization that focuses on transforming the way healthcare is delivered to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. It takes a comprehensive approach to healthcare that goes beyond just treating individual health problems and instead focuses on managing a population of patients’ overall health and well-being.
Despite the U.S. healthcare system spending more on healthcare than any other country, ongoing concerns about quality and equity of healthcare post-COVID-19 have been spotlighted. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) cites 90% of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual health care expenditures are for individuals with chronic and mental health conditions.
Social determinants of health (SDoH) such as housing instability, food insufficiency and others have an impact on physical health as well as mental health. Increased stress, poor nutrition, exposure to environmental hazards, risk of injuries, difficulty accessing healthcare and healthy food, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder can all culminate from various health inequities.
HealthCare Dynamics International has a CTO Solution
HealthCare Dynamics International (HCDI) applies innovative technologies, advanced data analytics, and evidence-based practices to redesign care delivery models and enhance patient engagement. HCDI prioritizes preventive care, population health management, and care coordination across different healthcare settings to ensure patients receive the right care at the right time and in the most appropriate setting.
Through the Maryland Primary Care Program (MDPCP), HCDI offers primary care practices in the state a fully customizable CTO solution with the ability to first screen for SDoH leveraging our trademarked Caring for Your Health e-Tool ™. After collecting and analyzing SDoH data, our multi-cultural staff works closely with a primary care office to provide SDoH insight and create innovative strategies to meet the needs of the practice. Strategies may include care coordination, preventative initiatives, and population health management to enhance patient satisfaction, lower costs, and ultimately improve health outcomes.
Joining HCDI’s CTO in the MDPCP empowers primary care offices to transform care delivery and improve patient outcomes. By tapping into HCDI’s expertise in innovative strategies and evidence-based practices, primary care providers can optimize their workflows, improve care coordination, and effectively address SDoH.
Begin your practice’s transformation today by joining HCDI’s CTO. Visit www.hcdi.com/cto to learn more or contact CTOinfo@hcdi.com with any questions.