HCDI Shares Its Unique Approach to SDoH at Recent Conferences

Jean at the CareForum 2023 WellSky Conference
By HCDI Communications
HealthCare Dynamics International (HCDI) speaking engagements at national healthcare and health equity conferences, webinars, and podcasts are in full swing this fall.
This month alone, HCDI led break-out sessions at the CareForum 2023 WellSky Conference on September 13, 2023, in Austin, Texas and the Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) Stronger Together Conference on September 27, 2023, in Oakbrook Illinois.
HCDI President and Founder, Jean Drummond gave a compelling presentation focused on Medicaid member appeals and grievances with regards to non-emergency transportation (NEMT) services at CareForum 2023. During the discussion, Drummond demonstrated how HCDI’s culturally competent engagements with plan members to identify and address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) is making an impact to improve transportation services and member satisfaction, and likewise reduce no-show doctor appointments, unnecessary emergency room visits, and close gaps in care. HCDI made 55,000 calls to members and confirmed a 12% improved member satisfaction for a health plan provider.
More recently, Raj Patel, HCDI Data Analytics Director joined Drummond at the annual IAMHP Stronger Together conference to discuss HCDI’s data-driven strategy that centers on getting to the H.E.A.R.T. (Health Equity Advanced Response Team) of the matter to drive positive health outcomes. Our H.E.A.R.T.’s culturally intelligent approach has led to engagement with a health plan provider that supports over 1 million Medicaid members to address SDoH, close gaps in care, and develop effective health equity interventions.
Through a health equity lens, Patel also shared health equity correlations between highest disparities and hospital visits. His analytics revealed hospital visits are highest among African Americans and Hispanic ethnic/racial groups with regards to heart disease, infectious disease, cancer, strokes, and kidney disease.
More conferences, webinars, and podcasts are on the horizon this fall for HCDI.

CareForum 2023 WellSky Conference
HCD International is an award-winning, woman- and minority-owned organization operating since 1991 that is dedicated to improving the health outcomes of all, especially vulnerable populations. HCDI has engaged with over 1 million, impacted over 100,000 hardest to reach, and closed over 14,000 gaps in care from June 2022 to June 2023 involving child measures, women’s health, chronic diseases, and Medicaid/Medicare dual coverage. We work with local, state and federal governments and major managed care organizations nationwide to conduct culturally competent outreach, examine data through trademarked analytic tools to address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), and provide health insurance and social services resources to reduce health disparities and drive outcomes.
To learn more about HCDI’s health equity engagement services, visit www.hcdi.com or contact us directly at info@hcdi.com.