homeless sock drive

A Thousand Socks Drive for the Homeless

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, it reports that COVID-19 has created a health and economic crisis in America and throughout the world. Nearly 70 percent of people who currently live on their own or in the company of others reported experiencing homelessness. A total of 37 percent of the overall population experiencing homelessness are unsheltered, which means every 1 in 2 individuals is unsheltered. Concerning COVID-19, we see a significantly larger percentage of adults over the age of 50 who are considered vulnerable and are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. A study conducted by To, Brothers, Van Zoost, and Zeeb (2016) points out the common foot conditions amongst homeless persons, such as severe good and lower leg infections associated with bad foot hygiene. The donation of socks could be contributed drastically to helping the homeless population stay safe, warm, and healthy.

Socks are the most requested items for homeless shelters, amongst other things. The National Socks are a precious commodity, according to the Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. In response to this truth, HCDI has decided to host “A Thousand Socks Drive for the Homeless,” which will begin on September 29th and end on December 11, 2020. In our efforts to reach 1,000 pairs of new socks, we are asking for your help to reach our goal. All socks donated will be distributed to local homeless shelters on December 16, 2020. We are asking for brand new socks (no used socks, please).

A collection box will be located at the HCDI corporate office. If you desire to send socks by mail, please send it to the following address: Morgan Byrd, 4390 Parliament Place, Suite A, Lanham, MD 20706. Please encourage your family and friends to get involved and donated. Let us charge each other to contribute to this great cause because there is a significant need!

If you would like more information about the sock drive, please contact Morgan Byrd at 301-552-8803 or mbyrd@hcdi.com.


  1. The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. https://www.nafcclinics.org/content/nafc-distributes-donation-bombas-socks-free-clinics?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_73WyYr96wIVgYnICh33dQhcEAAYASAAEgKjIvD_BwE
  2. To, M.J., Brothers, T.D., Van Zoost, C., and Zeeb, H. (2016). Foot Conditions among Homeless Persons: A Systematic Review. PLoS One, 11(12), p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167463
  3. The National Alliance to End Homelessness. https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/homelessness-statistics/state-of-homelessness-2020/