Taking Clinical Transformation to the Next Level
HCDI’s strategic solutions give community-based providers confidence in supporting improved health outcomes and addressing non-medical drivers of health for their unique and diverse populations.
Our culturally intelligent CHWs will…
- Engage, educate, and empower patients
- Promote health literacy
- Schedule appointments
- Address non-medical drivers of health
- Close gaps in care
- Collect and maintain accurate and actionable patient data
- Provide data-driven, patient-centered service using our trademarked Caring for Your Health e-Tool (CFYH e-Tool), a comprehensive assessment for identifying and addressing health-related social needs (HRSNs) and barriers to improved health outcomes.
- Train providers and office staff
Track Social Determinants of Health for Patients
The ‘Caring for Your Health’ Social Determinants Indicator ToolSM is both a patient-level and population health management tool used to:
- Identify socio-economic factors affecting patient clinical outcomes
- Support patient risk stratification
- Document patient case complexity
- Develop early interventions preventing health complications, reducing complications from chronic conditions, and improving health outcomes
- Incentivize value-based payments through effective collection and management of social drivers
Learn More
Interested in learning more about using the Caring for Your Health Social Determinants Indicator ToolSM? Schedule an introductory call with us today by emailing!