• Optimize Health Outcomes

    HCDI is your high performance strategic partner to close HEDIS gaps, engage hard to reach communities and customize data solutions, maximizing quality care while reducing costs.

    Learn more about our services
  • Take A.I.M. at Your Data

    Unlock deeper data insights. Our customizable A.I.M. dashboards will transform your data into meaningful actionable solutions.

    Learn more about our services

Health Plans

Improving health outcomes for hardest-to-reach members while reducing cost(s).


Supporting clinical transformation and performance as providers transition to value-based care. 


Using expertise to build strategic partnerships and create sustainable health equity solutions.


Showcasing our past performance that informs our policy-to-practice niche. 

The HCDI Difference

No more contracting with multiple agencies to create a data strategy, address non-medical drivers of health, and enhance member engagement efforts, including for the hardest-to-reach populations. HCD International’s team of experts reach diverse communities: developing, implementing and monitoring fully customizable healthcare quality interventions.

Why Choose HCDI

HCDI: A transformative engagement solution elevating healthcare quality strategy for real results. – Jean Drummond, President and Founder

HCDI is a certified HITRUST organization and maintains HIPAA compliance, meeting the highest data security standards. Let’s elevate your engagement together!  

Our Engagement

In today’s diverse healthcare landscape, complex problems require a customized approach. At HCDI, we:

  • Use data insights to build sustainable and lasting community-based interventions
  • Reduce health disparities with hyper-local, culturally intelligent engagement
  • Create customized, data-driven solutions ensuring quality care objectives are met for all, especially vulnerable populations
  • 1,572,799

    Total Number of Individuals Touched

    In 2023, HCDI engaged 1,572,799 health plan members, prioritizing whole person health and quality to enhance health outcomes for members and financial performance for plans.

  • 234,315

    Number of Families Impacted

    In 2023, HCDI impacted 234,315 families by addressing their unmet non-medical drivers of health and ensuring they not only scheduled but also kept essential medical appointments

  • 7,997

    SDoH Assessments Completed

    In 2023, a total of 7,997 non-medical drivers of health assessments were completed, revealing that over 80% indicated unmet social needs. Of those, more than two-thirds resulted in requested support through social service referrals.

  • 11,034

    HEDIS Gaps Closed

    Committed to our vision of improving health quality for all, especially vulnerable populations, HCDI closed a total of 11,034 HEDIS gaps in 2023.

Follow us!

🩺❤️ Watch V.O.I.C.E.S. – American Heart Health Month and get information and excellent tips on how to keep YOUR heart healthy. https://vimeo.com/showcase/11572121?share=copy

#BlackHistoryMonth #PresidentsDay ❤️👨🏾‍⚕️ Honoring the First Black President of the United States - he fought for access to health care for all, and signed the ACA, also known as ObamaCare, to bring access to health care within reach of all Americans.

When was the last time you went dancing? Or danced at home? Dancing, especially with the one you love, is a good source of exercise, elevates mood and can be a great addition to healthy habits.
Happy Valentines' Day! Visit us at http://www.HCDI.com

The post: #BlackHistoryMonth Correction on last week's answers. Did you know "Harriet Tubman" isn't her name? Harriet was her mom's name. Tubman was her ex-husband, who remarried and declined freedom. Her real name is Araminta Ross, nickname "Minty" 👩🏽‍🏫

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